Rainbow Night with Jennie McNulty

The New England Blade named Jennie McNulty, “One of the premiere comedians in the country.” The Examiner called her an, “infectiously energetic, remarkably deft comic with a warm disarming style and some of the best improv skills in the business.” Curve magazine rates her among the “Top 10 lesbian comics.” Her playfully sarcastic style wins over every crowd the moment she takes the stage.

12/08/2022 7:00 PM

Door Time: 6:00 PM

Other Showtimes

The New England Blade named Jennie McNulty, “One of the premiere comedians in the country.” The Examiner called her an, “infectiously energetic, remarkably deft comic with a warm disarming style and some of the best improv skills in the business.” Curve magazine rates her among the “Top 10 lesbian comics.” Her playfully sarcastic style wins over every crowd the moment she takes the stage.

Rainbow night is a variety show of clever gay comics doing stand up improv ... think Whose Line is it Anyway?

2 Item Minimum Required

Doors Open 1 Hour Prior to Showtime.

The New England Blade named Jennie McNulty, “One of the premiere comedians in the country.” The Examiner called her an, “infectiously energetic, remarkably deft comic with a warm disarming style and some of the best improv skills in the business.” Curve magazine rates her among the “Top 10 lesbian comics.” Her playfully sarcastic style wins over every crowd the moment she takes the stage.